
China claims that the announcement of '0' new patients is false.Emergency for the quarantine of neighboring countries!

aubreaknews H.Soo Han | 기사입력 2020/03/22 [04:51]
World News
China claims that the announcement of '0' new patients is false.Emergency for the quarantine of neighboring countries!
aubreaknews H.Soo Han
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2020/03/22 [04:51]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

<Breaknews Australia=Gil Soo Han reporter in Shanghai>


▲ On China's announcement that there have been no confirmed Korona19 cases for the third straight day, Wu Han-do claimed it was an "unbelievable scam." The picture shows a billboard on Nanjing Street.Picture Han Gil-soo of Shanghai   © aubreaknews


China has announced that no new COVID-19 confirmed cases have been reported for three consecutive days. However, some argue that they cannot trust the authenticity of the announcement.


The COVID-19 incident has apparently started in China, but China has made various claims that are hard to accept to avoid such accountability.


The Chinese government announced on 21th (local time) that no new confirmed cases have been confirmed for three days in a row. However, a doctor in Wuhan revealed that it was a scam. If this is true, neighboring countries that believe the Chinese word literally like the South Korean government will be affected by the quarantine at a time when they used the dictatorial regime to make false propaganda.


"There are no new confirmed or suspected cases in Hubei province," said Mifeng, spokesman for China's National Hygiene and Health Commission. The new confirmed patients are all patients who have been brought back into the country, according to the report.


China's state media also praised itself after reporting a series of reports on the confirmed zero, saying, "All 34 new confirmed people are from overseas."


However, revelations that the Chinese government's announcement was a lie came out on 20th. A doctor in charge of discharging from an isolation facility in Wuhan, Hubei Province, was quoted as saying in an anonymous interview with Kyodo that there are "continued cases of Corona19 in Wuhan."


According to the unnamed doctor, the quarantine authorities released many patients under treatment from quarantine and deliberately reduced the number as they still had symptoms in time for President Xi Jinping's inspection of Wuhan on 10th.


The doctor warned that the situation in Wuhan, which China announces, is a fraud and that covering up the real situation could lead to a second pandemic, which is causing repercussions.


It seems that the Korean government should not just trust the Chinese government but check the details of the truth.






ⓒ 호주브레이크뉴스. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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