
Obama Criticizes Trump for 'disobedient'..."Democracy is not a reign"

james kim, new york | 기사입력 2020/11/16 [08:46]
World News
Obama Criticizes Trump for 'disobedient'..."Democracy is not a reign"
james kim, new york
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기사입력: 2020/11/16 [08:46]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

<Australia Breaknews=James Kim. New York>


▲ Former President Obama's interview with Trump and the Republican Party has become the talk of the town.The photo shows Obama's 'A promised land' cover.    ©aubreaknews


Former U.S. President Barack Obama strongly criticized President Donald Trump for refusing to accept his defeat in the presidential election on the 15th (local time) and expressed disappointment to Republican lawmakers who sympathized with his dissatisfaction.


"We are not above norms, we are not above the law," Obama said in a CBS interview. "That is the essence of our democracy."


"It's a temporary job," Obama said, referring to the idea that elected officials, whether they are very low-level elected or president, are the people's servants.


He also expressed his position toward the Republican Party, saying that it was "disappointing" that many Republican lawmakers did not resist President Trump, who does not stop the conspiracy theory of presidential fraud.


When most U.S. media reported on the 7th that Biden had secured 270 electoral votes based on the counting of each state, it was analyzed that the Republican Party did not present any position in the beginning despite President Trump's opposition, but belatedly joined Trump.


Meanwhile, when the interviewer mentioned the time in 2008 when George W. Bush invited the then-elect couple to the White House to promise a peaceful transfer of power, Obama responded by saying, "I couldn't have been more dignified."

The host went on to say, "You have to succeed in order for Korea to succeed only when you succeed," which then President Obama told Trump in 2016. When he said, "I will do everything I can to help you succeed," Obama replied with a smile, "I don't think he (Trump) has left any of those scripts."


Obama also pointed out that the outcome of the presidential election, in which both Trump and Biden won more than 70 million votes, "shows that we are still deeply divided," and that it is not a good sign for democracy.


Former President Obama also criticized President Trump for provoking white people's fear of black presidents in his recent memoir, "A Promised Land" and that hard-line conservative forces in the Republican Party also brought anti-colorism and conspiracy theories to the center. The Republican Party has not taken a position on Obama's criticism of Trump.



ⓒ 호주브레이크뉴스. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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