
Phillux Group Judo Team 2021 IJF World Masters Gold Vein Challenge!

Dispatched the largest players in the single judo team in history

호주브레이크뉴스 | 기사입력 2020/12/28 [22:20]
Aussie News
Phillux Group Judo Team 2021 IJF World Masters Gold Vein Challenge!
Dispatched the largest players in the single judo team in history
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2020/12/28 [22:20]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡


  © 호주브레이크뉴스

The Phillux Group (Chairman Bae Sang-yoon) judo team challenged the “2021 IJF World Masters” tournament to be held in Doha, Qatar from January 11 to 13. Ahn Chang-rim (-73 kg), Jo Gu-ham (-100 kg), Kim Seong-min (+100 kg), Kim Jan-di (-57 kg), and Han Hee-ju (-63 kg) are dispatched. He announced that he will hunt for medals for the first international competition in 2021.


The 2021 IJF World Masters Competition, hosted by the International Judo Federation (IJF), is only eligible to participate in the top 36 men's and women's weight divisions and the best athletes in the world. It is a “war of stars” in name and reality. In particular, since this event is held ahead of the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, it has a symbolism that can predict Olympic performance.


The Phillux Group Judo Team has reorganized the team centering on coach Hwang Hee-tae, gold medalist at the Asian Games and World Championships, and coach Dae-nam Song, a gold medalist at the 2012 London Olympics. With the full support of the Phillux group, the five players from their team will participate in the first international competition in the new year. It has a record of dispatching the largest players among a single team.


Coach Hee-Tae Hwang said, “The players are more motivated than ever and are engaged in training in preparation for the actual battle with passion.” “I will catch two rabbits with good results in this tournament and compete in the Tokyo Olympics.”


On the other hand, the Phillux Group made 100 million won in donations to overcome Corona 19 this year and 100 million won to recover from heavy rain damage. In addition, we provide monthly subsidies for retired sportsmen who are struggling financially with disabilities to help them stand up again.


2021 IJF World Masters dispatched Phillux guideline means


Chang-lim Ahn (-73kg/13th in the world ranking)-2018 Azerbaijan World Championships Gold-2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games Silver-2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Gold-2014 World Youth Championships Gold

Goo Ham Jo (-100kg / 2nd in the world ranking)-2018 Azerbaijan World Championship Gold-2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games Silver-2013/2015 Summer Universiade Gold

Kim Seong-min (+100kg/World Ranking 16)-2020 Tel Aviv Grand Prix Silver-2019 Abu Dhabi Grand Slam East-2019 Asia-Pacific Judo Championships Gold-2019 Paris Grand Slam Gold-2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games Gold

Kim Jandi (-57kg/31st in the world ranking)-2019 Abu Dhabi Grand Slam Bronze-2019 Tashkent Grand Prix Bronze-2018 Antalya Grand Prix Silver-2016 IJF World Masters Bronze-2016 Paris Grand Slam Gold

Hee-Joo Han (-63kg/36th in the world ranking)-2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games Silver-2017 Asian Youth Judo Championships Gold.


Writer/ParkCheol-Seong<Break News Research Center Director/Columnist>

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트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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