
"Go away, injection needle." Sejong Medical entered the "Microneedle" business and declared!

Sejong Medical's own production of Microneedle, 1.4 trillion won in 2030, aiming for the market...

Australia Break News] [Medical | 기사입력 2021/09/14 [00:18]
Korean News
"Go away, injection needle." Sejong Medical entered the "Microneedle" business and declared!
Sejong Medical's own production of Microneedle, 1.4 trillion won in 2030, aiming for the market...
Australia Break News] [Medical
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2021/09/14 [00:18]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

[Seoul = Australia Break News] [Medical expert Heo Pilkyung]


▲     ©호주브레이크뉴스

Sejong Medical announced that it will push for a project in the field of "Microneedle." Capture on Sejong Medical's website.



Sejong Medical Co., Ltd. (258830, CEO Lee Jae-cheol) has delicately transformed. The high march of the graph reflecting this and the market's gaze are heating up.


Sejong Medical announced in a public announcement on the 3rd that it has added research and development of pharmaceutical and vaccine patches, manufacturing and sales vaccine and bio research and development, manufacturing, distribution, import and sales metadata virtual world and virtual reality production, and service industries.


Sejong Medical's first target for its new business is in the field of "micro needle."


The characteristic of "microneedle" is that it passes through the stratum corneum, a layer of skin barrier. It is a system that delivers effective ingredients directly into the skin.


Microneedle is a new system that combines the efficacy of existing syringes and the convenience of patching. It was first introduced at Georgia Institute of Technology in 1997. Since then, it has been developed and used as a new drug delivery method in various fields of cosmetics, medicine, and vaccines.


On the 14th, Sejong Medical announced that it will push for a project in the field of "Microneedle." It has organized and is operating an in-house TFT.


▲     ©호주브레이크뉴스

Soluble microneedle patch, 700 μm = Georgia Institute of Technology.


There's nothing for an adult to do. I'm afraid of injections. Due to the fear of such injections, some adults want to be prescribed drugs (oral drugs) instead of injections.


The "Microneedle" system is suggested as an alternative. The needle in "Microneedle" is about a third of the thickness of human hair. It's as thin as a mosquito needle. I don't even feel like when I get bitten by mosquitoes.


As such, "Microneedle" is a percutaneous drug delivery system (TTDS) that delivers drugs through the skin using fine saliva. This is why it is emerging as an alternative to injections or oral agents.


It is possible to deliver drugs without pain to patients who are unable to administer vaccines due to the COVID-19 situation and injection phobia. It is easier to administer than regular syringes. In addition, the advantage is that the administration site recovers quickly.


In particular, the medical community reports that "Microneedle" has few side effects of secondary infection.


The recent occurrence of thrombosis, a side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, is a major headache. Academia has also published research findings that it may be highly related to the use of injections injected into the bloodstream. This is why the patching of the "Microneedle" system is drawing attention.


ⓒ 호주브레이크뉴스. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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