
Former U.S. Undersecretary of the Navy's writing ramifications! "There is a great possibility of China's attack on Taiwan on November 3rd."

Repotor By James Kim, New York | 기사입력 2020/09/30 [11:19]
World News
Former U.S. Undersecretary of the Navy's writing ramifications! "There is a great possibility of China's attack on Taiwan on November 3rd."
Repotor By James Kim, New York
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2020/09/30 [11:19]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

<Australia Break News=James Kim, New York>


  © Graphic By aubreaknews


The confrontation between the U.S. and China is unfolding in an unusual way over Taiwan.


This is because military aircraft and warships from China, Taiwan and the United States have become more active in the skies and seas around Taiwan, and there have been frequent incidents of "new cold war."


Taiwan's Air Force Command was put on alert on the 17th. This is the day when U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Keith Crack visited Taiwan.


On the same day, China launched 18 fighter jets and bombers, including H-6 and J-16.


After entering the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), they rushed straight into the direction of the island.


Although Taiwan's fighter jets urgently approached and radioed for eviction, Chinese military aircraft turned their riders to mainland China long after crossing the Taiwan Strait's "middle line," which is considered the de facto border between China and Taiwan.


The next day, 19 Chinese military aircraft rushed toward Taiwan as they did the previous day and then returned.


Graphic By aubreaknews


This year, the U.S. and China have frequently sent warships and military aircraft near Taiwan to engage in blatant power struggles.


Military tensions between the two countries have risen significantly, especially since Krak's visit to Taiwan.


A group of rocket troops from China's eastern bulb carried out a rare drill in which they fired 10 Dongfeng-11A missiles in unison that could be used to attack Taiwan in case of an emergency.


With live-fire drills taking place simultaneously in various waters near China, the Chinese military has been conducting field training aimed at Taiwan almost every day.


The U.S. didn't stay still either. The U.S. sent a strong warning message to China by conducting the "Valiant Shield 2020" exercise in the western Pacific region, including the Philippine Sea near Taiwan, by firing live shots of Tomahawk and Harpoon missiles.


The U.S. Pacific Fleet also released photos of large-scale formation of aircraft carriers led by USS Ronald Reagan and B-1B Lancer bombers in the sky and sea.


In addition, U.S. reconnaissance planes such as EP-3E and E-8C have frequently appeared in airspace around Taiwan, closely watching the Chinese military's activities.


As the wave of the Taiwan Strait rises, some U.S. experts warn that China may attempt to achieve a "unification feat" by invading Taiwan in a surprise move in the near future.


Seth Kropsi, a senior researcher at the Hudson Institute who served as the U.S. Undersecretary of Navy, published an article in The Hill, a congressional magazine, on the 17th, titled "American Election Day can be a crisis for Taiwan and an opportunity for China."


"There will be no better (Taiwan) moment in China than November 3, given that any outcome of the November presidential election will not be able to intervene in a major power struggle," Kropsi said.


Earlier, Michael Morrell, former deputy director of the CIA, and retired admiral James Winfeld, said in an article published in the Journal of Naval University in August that China is likely to launch an attack on Taiwan around January 20 when the president's inauguration is held.


The political environment in the U.S. will be complicated before and after the inauguration of the new president, and if a regime change takes place, the new president and his staff's decision-making ability system will not be completed yet, which could lead to a lack of responsiveness.




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트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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