
Iljin Materials breaks Japanese monopoly! Korea's first 1.5㎛ ultra-thin (UTC) localization success...

Ultra-thin is the dream technology of the copper foil industry, succeeded after 15 years of research and development for the first time in Korea

Yoon Bo-mi, Break News Austral | 기사입력 2020/10/25 [21:33]
Iljin Materials breaks Japanese monopoly! Korea's first 1.5㎛ ultra-thin (UTC) localization success...
Ultra-thin is the dream technology of the copper foil industry, succeeded after 15 years of research and development for the first time in Korea
Yoon Bo-mi, Break News Austral
필자의 다른기사 보기 인쇄하기 메일로 보내기 글자 크게 글자 작게
기사입력: 2020/10/25 [21:33]
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡

 [Seoul = Reporter Yoon Bo-mi, Break News Australia]


On the 25th, Iljin Materials (020150, CEO Yang-jeom-sik) announced on the 25th that it has succeeded in localizing ultra-thin copper foil for 1.5semiconductors for the first time in Korea.


This product has been monopolized by only one company, Mitsui of Japan. However, it was sent by Iljin Materials to manufacture ultra-thin 1.5semiconductors. It is the second success in the world.


Ultra-thin is used in semiconductor packages, and its thickness is 1.5(micrometer·1 millionth of a meter), making it the thinnest copper foil used in the electronic IT industry. (1/100 of the hair)


This is thinner than the thickness of the copper foil for electric vehicle batteries, which is the most recently used 4.5~10. Ultra-thin requires extreme manufacturing technology. Therefore, it is called a dream product in the copper foil industry.


Meanwhile, as electronic IT devices have been miniaturized and highly integrated, demand from semiconductor manufacturers to implement ultra-fine circuits has continued. However, there were no mass-produced companies in Korea, so Mitsui of Japan was dominating the market.

  © 호주브레이크뉴스

The photo shows Iljin Materials' 1.5ultra-thin (UTC) copper foil.


Iljin Materials succeeded in developing ultra-thin products in 2006, and after 15 years of trial and error, it recently acquired certifications and mass-produced global semiconductor companies.


Iljin Materials, the first company in Korea to develop copper foil, which was monopolized by Japan, succeeded in localization since 1978, laying the foundation for an electronic IT powerhouse.


Copper foil was an essential material for electronic product PCB boards at the time of development. Currently, the use of large-sized rechargeable batteries such as electric vehicles and ESS has been expanded.


In 1999, the Ministry of Science and Technology selected Iljin's copper foil manufacturing technology as “Korea's Top 100 Technologies of the 20th Century”, and recognized its industrial value.


Currently, domestic companies such as Iljin Materials, SK Nexilis and Doosan Solus, as well as Changchun of Taiwan and Watson of China have technology for copper foil for PCB substrates and electric vehicle batteries.


However, Iljin Materials is the only company that succeeded in mass production and certification of ultra-thin 1.5semiconductors after Mitsui in Japan. It is an evaluation that it has established itself as a leader in Korea.


Iljin Materials CEO Yang Jeom-sik said, “Mitsui was the only company that succeeded in mass production globally as the ultimate technology in the ultra-thin copper foil industry. It is meaningful to have secured it.”


ⓒ 호주브레이크뉴스. 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
트위터 페이스북 카카오톡
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